Thank You for downloading Tigra Calculator, You've made the right decision!
On the right hand side there is a form with Tigra Calculator attached to the fields. Click on the image and feel free to calculate the result right now!
You'll find comments in the source code of this file. They will guide you through setup process. Should you have any problems or questions submit support request in SoftComplex products support forum.
Easy To Use - Everyone knows how to operate real life calculator. Tigra Calculator is same intuitive and easy to use.
Cost Saving Component - If you need free easy to setup and maintain calculator on your HTML forms then Tigra Calculator is the best choice for you!
Professional Look - Developed by highly skilled professionals, Tigra Calculator is great looking improvement to the user interface of your web application.
- Support of trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions
- Standard memory operations set
- Flexible functionality set: any of declared functions (operations) can be included to or excluded
- Customizable button order - design your own calculator layout in minutes
- Styles and skins support - calculator can be perfectly adjusted for feel and look of your site
- Popup, modal, onpage modes versions
- Free setup support, free product updates, discounts for other products
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